My project will be a video on how technology has completely taken over our lives. Everything in our lives revolves around technology, and how we have become somewhat like robots in our everyday life. We miss the things around us because our heads are buried in our cell phones, which can be very dangerous for the human race, and can have detrimental consequences. It's time to WAKE UP.
I plan on making a three minute video that is quite simple really. Using note cards to draw people in, to illustrate to them how dangerous cell phones can be.
I will give my honest opinion on the matter in a way that is meant to educate and persuade people to look at the world through my view. And how important it is to live our lives through our own eyes, and not a phone screen.
The main themes that are going to be addressed in my work are the problems that come with getting sucked into technology such as, counter-productivity, not listening, and not viewing important things. Additionally how much is really missed when your head is sucked into a screen.
I will be making a video of myself using note cards in order to get my point across.
What I hope my work does for people is exactly what my title says. To WAKE UP it is time to stop avoiding this problem and starting to address it. And I believe that I am taking a step in the right direction in order to make this happen.