When I think of 21st century technology, the first thing that comes to my mind is Apple products, specifically the iPhone. When Apple first came out with the iPhone it took the technology by storm. It was one of the first "smart phones" ever made. Many of its features includes a touch screen, facial recognition, and lighting fast speed. With the iPhone you are able to send text messages, play games, take high quality pictures, and much more. A majority of the population now a days most likely owns an iPhone, personally my favorite feature of the iPhone is being able to easily accesses different apps in a convent manner. The iPhone ultimately works for you in order to be more efficient. However before the iPhone there were many telephone products that came before it. One being the regular telephone. The first telephone was used for making calls only, you were not able to take pictures, or listen to music from the telephone like you are with the iPhone. However there is one thing these two products have in common, which also happens to be the main purpose for both, and this is communication. The sole reason to have a phone is to communicate quickly and conveniently with others. Furthermore the first telephone was the main Segway into eventually producing more advanced phones. The iPhone in my opinion will be able to be a gateway into more different types of technology. In addition to the television and the radio. The traditional television was meant to show pictures, in the form of entertainment the developers of the iPhone took the same idea. You are able to watch videos and view pictures on your phone. Furthermore you are also able to listen to music on your phone as well, however now you are able to choose what songs you want to download and listen to, instead of hoping they play the song you like. People will be able to take the basic ideas of the iPhone and transform them into something totally new and complex, for example they could build upon the app called "FaceTime" which is an app that allows you to video chat someone else who is not in the same location as you. And they could create technology that almost feels like you are there with them, in the same room. It could also play a key role in creating technology that helps the military such as finding out where our enemy is by tracking down their location. Additionally it can also help with safety precautions in general as well, such as using fingerprint and facial recognition in order to access facilities, for example schools, and buildings in general. This can improve our safety immensely in addition to our well being. Technology is going to be a huge part of our future and it is our job to start to become familiar with the different aspects of technology. Technology is only going to expand, it is going to be in our homes, schools, and business offices. Many aspects of the iPhone will be brought into the working world as well, such as touch screens, cameras, and different performing applications.